Rehabilitation Centers

Smiles Through Art participated in an Arts in Healthcare Program, creating art programs at The Center of Rehabilitation and Integration (CRIA ) in Mexico City, partnering with The Jewish Women Volunteers Organization. We worked with adolescents and adults, designing paper and fluffy hearts in celebration of love and friendship.

The first part of the project had adolescents and young adults recovering from addictions painting images of love on cardboard. We worked with a wooden heart and color papers forming rose shape flowers. 

The second project was for seniors many of whom had disabilities. They painted and created cardboard with fluffy shapes.

For this efforts Smiles Through Art (STA) received a recognition from the Municipality DIF of Huixquilucan, a Mexico City suburb for helping people in rehabilitation and social integration. 

Arts in healthcare programs like STA are a necessary part of the healing process. We work in assisted living centers, rehabilitation clinics, retirement facilities, hospitals, and clinics to improve the overall health of patients and instill positive emotions in them.

Adolescents and young adults

Elderly and disabilities


Creativity to the Elderly