Peace Begins with a Smile…
Embossed Metal

Smiles Through Art created an arts in healthcare program that consisted in three different Art categories with 3 different organizations:

1- Eishel Nuestro Hogar Beiteinu
Senior Jewish Living Center
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Seniors with different health conditions created a “Peace Dove” representation, using embossed metal techniques, and utilizing tools to create the artwork and the message of Peace.
The Project was inspired by different poems:
- “Peace begins with a Smile” from Mother Theresa.
-“ Peace cannot Be kept by Force, it can only be Achieved by understanding” Albert Einstein. 

Arts in healthcare programs like STA are a necessary part of the healing process. They belong in living centers, hospitals, and clinics as they improve the overall health of patients and instill positive emotions in them.


Children with Down Syndrome: “Dream Catchers”


Art for women and girls