Senior Programs: The Water
Smiles Through Art created an art program at La Casa Senior Living in Mexico City, using watercolors.
The theme was “The Water,”
Seniors created abstractions of what water represented for them. The project was inspired by the poem “Agua Nocturna,” from the Mexican poet, Octavio Paz, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990.
Agua Nocturna
La noche de ojos de caballo que tiemblan en la noche,
la noche de ojos de agua en el campo dormido, está en tus ojos de caballo que tiembla, está en tus ojos de agua secreta.
Ojos de agua de sombra, ojos de agua de pozo, ojos de agua de sueño.
El silencio y la soledad, como dos pequeños animales a quienes guía la luna, beben en esos ojos, beben en esas aguas.
Si abres los ojos,
se abre la noche de puertas de musgo, se abre el reino secreto del agua que mana del centro de la noche.
Y si los cierras,
un río, una corriente dulce y silenciosa, te inunda por dentro, avanza, te hace oscura:
la noche moja riberas en tu alma.
Agua Nocturna
English Translation (from Muriel Rukeyser):
Night with the eyes of a horse that trembles in the night,
night with eyes of water in the field asleep
is in your eyes, a horse that trembles,
is in your eyes of a secret water.
Eyes of shadow-water,
eyes of well-water,
eyes of dream-water.
Silence and solitude,
two little animals moon-led,
drink in your eyes,
drink in those waters.
If you open your eyes,
night opens, doors of musk,
the secret kingdom of the water opens
flowing from the center of night.
And if you close your eyes,
a river fills you from within,
flows forward, darkens you:
night brings its wetness to beaches in your soul.
Using art as a healing tool, seniors have the possibility to open emotional doors.